Sunday, December 22, 2019

Solstice-Hanukkah-Christmas Prayer

Holy one of blessing, God of many names
at this time of the winter solstice
at this time of the crescent moon
  At this darkest time of the year
we light lights and give thanks, in our overlapping traditions.

Strangely and sweetly
we greet each other in fellowship and friendship
with wishes for health, merriment, good food, good company and Peace on Earth.

Strangely and sweetly
we come together and pray to you 
with thanks for miracles noticed and remembered
  At this darkest time of the year:
for the miracle of the return of the sun
for the miracle of victories over tyrants
for the miracle of a small crucible of oil that burned for eight days
and for the miracle of the birth of a baby who brought illumination into the world.

Holy one of blessing, God of many names
as we light lights
  At this darkest time of the year
generation after generation, year after year
we ask again for Your help Your love Your comfort Your support
that we may be partners with You and with each other
to bring our greatest hope our most desired wish our highest need: Peace on Earth.

Holy one of blessing, God of many names
May it be so. May it be so.

Prayer inspired by “Hanukkah Lights” in the Unitarian Universalist Hymn Book, Singing the Living Tradition

You are welcome to print this prayer and/or copy it into a file and share it. 
This is my holiday gift to all. 

Betsy Fuchs